Brixworth U11 Vs Bugbrooke

Date 10 May 2015
Team Brixworth U11
Opposition Bugbrooke
Fixture Home
Venue Brixworth Cricket Club
Start time 09:30
Result W (Bugbrooke 276-10 (net 226) Brixworth 293-3 (net 278))
Runs Former member (8), Member not found (1), Member not found (3), Former member (1), Former member (33), Toby Haxby (1), Member not found (6), Former member (5)
Match Report

As with all matches teams start on 200 and lose 5 runs for wicket lost.

Bugbrooke lost the toss and were put into bat. Score of 276 for 10 wickets = Net 226

Excellent fielding by Brixworth kept the score down with a superb 10 wickets taken. Everyone contributed with the ball with highlights being James Henry bowling 3 overs conceding just 2 runs and taking 4 wickets. Joseph Mansfield bowled 2 overs and conceded just 2 runs whilst taking 2 wickets. Catch of the day was a close contest between George Patten's catch at mid wicket off a full blooded drive and Oliver Savage's caught and bowled again off a well hit decide???

Brixworth : Score of 293 for 3 wickets = Net 278

Good batting saw Brixworth home where solid defence, quick running and the odd boundary meant the score was built up by the first 2 pairs of James Henry with Ryan Vladi and Kenny Knowles with Oliver Savage. The 3rd pair of Toby Haxby and George Patten added an impressive 42 runs of which George scored 33 which included the first 6 of the season. The final pair of Joseph Mansfield  and Jasper Cooper saw the team home to a comfortable victory.

Positives :

- Great teamwork and contributions by all.

- 2 possible catches and both taken, 100%.

- Improved bowling, less extras than previous match.

Areas to work on :

- Shots to the offside

- Backing up in the field and walking in.

- Non striker backing up and positive running between the wickets

*** Thanks as always to everyone for attending and supporting, big thanks to Will Haxby for scoring and the analysis, the standard has been set for the season***

Next match on Sunday 17th May is at HOME v Cogenhoe (fixture book says away but this has changed at Cogenhoes request), team will be sent out Tuesday 13th -Wednesday 14th.



Name Squad number Position Runs Dismissed Wickets Overs bowled Runs conceded
Toby Haxby 1 Out 1 2 9